Events, Switzerland, Travel, Zurich
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What is the Lichterfest in Zurich? // Cos’e’ la “Lichterfest” di Zurigo?

A friend of mine invited me to go to the Lichterfest in Zurich on the Bahnofstrasse and I decided to invite an American friend of mine that I was supposed to meet on that very same afternoon. We decided to meet just 5 minutes before 6pm, when the event would take place.

And you’ll think: “what are you talking about?”

Well, I’m talking about the fraction of a second when the Xmas lights are lit up on the Bahnofstrasse, the main street of Zurich, to celebrate the start of the new Christmas season. Well, as always, It took my tram in time to get there and when I was supposed to change and take the 2nd tram, well I just decided I’d walk because trams were full and a huge crowd was invading the square and the rest of the Bahnoffstrasse. So, it basically took me 15 mins to reach my meeting point, while I watched the lights being lit up while walking. It was nice, but the street was so crowded and people were just standing still, drinking their gluhweine (i.e. mulled wine) in a spring like temperature, which wasn’t that inviting, or people were opening their own bottles of champagne or sparkling wine, which I wasn’t absolutely expecting in Zurich city centre, or eating their “hot dogs” or other Xmas delicacies.

roasted chestnuts

roasted chestnuts

Once I reached my friends, we decided to check out the HauptBahnhof (Train station) Xmas Markets and the Svarowsky Xmas tree, which was sparkling of course eheh, and then walk back to Paradeplatz eating “Marroni” (i.e. roasted chestnuts). In the meantime we came across country bands, with a big crowd listening. At Paradeplatz we admired the big Xmas tree in front of the Credit Suisse building, and some projections somehow not very well planned, but pretty nice on the UBS building. And then why not, we gave it a go at the Swiss Air competition, tasting some very sweet mulled wine and free airplane sandwhiches, that tasted a lot better than on the plane, maybe because they were not frozen??!!

Lichterfest Zurich Bahnhofstrasse (Photo credit:

Lichterfest Zurich Bahnhofstrasse (Photo credit:

And then we listened to a jazz band made of crew members, playing the sax, guitars, etc.. and singing!

Definitely a fun night! …until it started raining… I recommend you go next year or to any similar event in Switzerland. Swiss people are definitely big on Xmas atmosphere!

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Credit Suisse building (Photo credit:

Credit Suisse building (Photo credit:

Ieri pomeriggio sono andata con una mia amica a vedere l’evento “Lichterfest” in Bahnhofstrasse ed ho deciso di estendere l’invito a una mia amica americana dato che dovevamo vederci quello stesso giorno. Ci siamo date appuntamento 5 minuti prima delle 18, momento topico della serata.

Ma vi chiederete: “Cos’e’ il “Lichterfest?”

Bahnhofstrasse Zurich (Photo credit:

Bahnhofstrasse Zurich (Photo credit:

Beh, e’ l’evento durante il quale accendono le luminarie a Zurigo in Bahnhofstrasse, la via pricnipale della citta’, per inaugurare la stagione del Natale. Non pensavo ci sarebbe stata cosi’ tanta gente, tanto che non sono riusicta a salire sul 2 tram per raggiungere le mie amiche. Ho deciso quindi di farmela a piedi, spesso a passo d’uomo, cercando di fare lo slalom tra le decine di persone femre immobili che mangiavano dolci, caldarroste od hot dog oppure che bevevano il vin brule’ oppure dello champagne, anche direttamente dalla bottiglia per strada, pero’ con tanto di bicchieri di “cristallo”. Zurigo era impazzita! Le strade erano stracolme e c’era una bellisisma atmosfera! Vedo l’accensione delle luci mentre cerco di raggiungere le mie amiche. Bella, anche se mi aspettavo qualcosa di piu’. Vista la tanta gente decidiamo di andare a vedere l’albero di Svarowsky e  visitare i mercatini di Natale che inizivano ieri presso la Stazione centrale.

Projections on the UBS building, Zurich (Photo credit:

Projections on the UBS building, Zurich (Photo credit:

Poi torniamo indietro, mangiandoci le caldarroste (buonissime!), c’era troppa coda per qualsiasi altra cosa. Ci lasciamo “prendere” dal ritmo country (si’ avete sentito bene! Si vede che va’ in Svizzera) e dalle luci delle luminarie fino ad arrivare a Paradeplats per ammirare l’albero di Natale davanti al palazzo di Credit Suisse e poi le proiezioni, belle anche se interrotte, su quello di UBS. Ci tirano in mezzo i ragazzi di Swiss air e partecipiamo al loro concorso e poi assaggiamo del vin brule’, decisamente troppo dolce, e ci offrono dei panini stile aereo, ma stranamente mangiabili e non male, forse perche’ non erano congelati??!

Swiss air, Zurich (Photo credit:

Swiss air, Zurich (Photo credit:

Ascoltate un po’ del “Vibe” jazz dei piloti ed equipaggio della Swiss air:

Decisamente una bell’atmosfera per le strade, tanta gente, tante luci, molta allegria. Consiglio vivamente di andarci l’anno prossimo o di partecipare ad eventi simili in Svizzera. Sicuramente ci sanno fare in quanto a Natale! 🙂

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